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  Search result  Your search for [subject]Chemical composition returned 80 records.  
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  Continuing Resource The composition of dilis fish flour.

by Leverton, Ruth M.;

Subject: Chemical and Allied Industries; Dilis flour -- Chemical composition; Flours -- Chemical composition.

Relevance: 17.64%
  Continuing Resource Tumor inhibitors. &nbsp;II. &nbsp;Chemical Constituents of <em>Vernonia patula</em> Merr.

by Chanco, Glory Lleander;

Subject: Chemistry; Cancer inhibiting substances; Vernonia patula -- Chemical composition -- Terpenes; Bulag manok -- Chemical composition.

Relevance: 16.60%
  Continuing Resource Composition of para-rubber seed oil.

by Tuason, Angelita M.;

Subject: Chemistry; Para-rubber seed oil -- Chemical composition; Hevea braziliensis -- Chemical composition.

  |   Relevance: 16.54%
  Continuing Resource Philippine raw materials for glass making.

by Dar Juan, T.;

Subject: Chemical and Allied Industries; Glass making; Glass making -- Materials -- Analysis; Lime glass -- Chemical composition; Lead glass -- Chemical composition.

  |   Relevance: 15.48%
  Continuing Resource Studies on Philippine liches. I.Chemical constituents of Physcia albicans and &nbsp; Physcia picta.

by Joson, Lydia M.;

Subject: Chemistry; Physcia albicans -- Chemical composition; Physcia picta -- Chemical composition; Zeorin -- Physcia albicans; Atranorin -- Physcia albicans -- Phscia picta; Atranorin-Chlotatranorin -- Physcia picta; Lichens -- Chemical composition.

Relevance: 14.40%
  Book Recent advances in the biochemistry of fruits and vegetables.

London: Academic Press, 1981.

Subject: Fruit -- Chemical composition -- Congresses; Vegetable -- Chemical composition -- Congresses.

Relevance: 14.06%
  Continuing Resource Nature of Philippine porcelain, II Philippine dinnerware.

by Kanekoto, Fuji;

Subject: Chemical and Allied Industries; Porcelain, Philippine -- Chemical composition; Pocelain dinnerware -- Manufacture.

Relevance: 14.04%
  Continuing Resource Composition of the pulp and seed oil of kamachile (Pithecolobium dulce).

by Gamo, Luz G.;

Subject: Chemistry; Kamachile -- Pulp and seed oil -- Chemical composition; Pithecolobium dulce -- Pulp and seed oil -- Chemical composition.

Relevance: 13.34%
  Continuing Resource Chemical and pharmacodynamic investigation on Strophanthus letei Merrill.

by Wells,A. H.;

Subject: Chemistry; Strophanthus letei -- Chemical composition; Plants -- Chemical investigation; Strophanthus letei Merrill -- Chemical and pharmacodynamic investigation.

  |   Relevance: 13.10%
  Continuing Resource Composition of pili pulp and pili-pulp oil from the fruit of Canarium ovatum.

by Marañon, Lilia T.;

Subject: Chemistry; Pili pulp -- Chemical composition; Pili pulp oil -- Chemical composition; Canarium ovatum; Oil, Pili pulp -- Extraction.

  |   Relevance: 12.94%
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