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Control Number309996
Date and Time of Latest Transaction20150706093804.AM
General Information150706s |||||||||b ||00|||
Cataloging SourceSTII-DOST
Local Call NumberSienceDirect
Main Entry - Personal NameFabiano, M.
 Vassallo, P.
 Mensa, J.A.
Title StatementJMarinas A simple tool for the environmentally sound management of small marinas by J.A. Mensa, P. Vassallo and M.Fabiano
Physical Descriptionpages 67-77 computer file; text; 1,387kb
Summary, Etc.A novel index for the preliminary evaluation of the distribution of pollutants in the harbor environment (Small Marinas Pollution Risk) is proposed. An associated Environmental Decision Support System (JMarinas) has been developed which implements the Multiple Attribute Decision Making theory (MADM) and uses the harbor's map as geographical support for computations. The MADM matrix is built considering various attributes of the marina and is calculated using both qualitative and quantitative data. Jmarinas has been applied to two small marinas along the Ligurian coast (Marina degli Aregai and Portosole) during the winter and summer seasons. Results show good spatial and temporal resolution and are in agreement with observations. For further quantitative assessment of performance, we refer to Irene et al. (2010)
Subject Added Entry - Topical TermEnvironmental science
 Environmental quality
 Small marinas
 Water quality
LocationDOST STII SienceDirect NONPRINTS NP 13-14865 1 13-14865 Online/Download 2010-11-30
Physical Location
Department of Science and Technology
Science and Technology Information InstituteSienceDirect
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