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Control Number335366
Date and Time of Latest Transaction20180924110052.AM
General Information180924s |||||||||b ||00|||
Cataloging SourceSTII-DOST
Language Codeeng
Local Call NumberFil Q181 M66
Main Entry - Personal NamePahm, K.E.
 Felizardo, B.C.
Title StatementFertilizer elements ang gibberellic acid interaction on the buddability of para rubber (Hervea brasiliensis muell. arg.) Seedlings for green budding by K.E. Pahm and B.C. Felizardo
Physical Description71-80
Summary, Etc.Experiments were conducted on Para rubber cultivar Tjir 1 seedling stocks for green budding grown on Kabacan loam soil in polyethylene bags for three months to determine the. nature of response to GA3 and the effects of N, P, and K either alone or in combination with GA3 on buddability in terns of some growth response. parameters, bud-take, sprouting capacity, and latex flow; and to determine the relation of these parameters with the soil and leaf analysis data. Visible effect of GA3 on the rubber seedlings was manifested 'only at the concentrations of as high as 20,000 ppm by way of elongation of the terminal internodes and longer petioles with pale-green and reduced leaf blades which suggested that subsequent studies be conducted at higher concentration of around 20,000 ppm. Nitrogen fertilization markedly increased the length .,of tap root, nitrogen in the soil and leaf, potasium in the leaf, and soil pH. It also increased the number of cells in the cambium layers, volume' of root system, and sprouting capacity. The N and GA3 interaction effect was highly significant only in the number of cells in the cambium layer, volume of root system, and sprouting capacity. The N and Ga3 interaction effect was highly significant only in the number of cells in the cambium layer. Phosphorus effect was highly significant in the number of cells in the cambium layer and P in the leaf; and significant for P in the soil. P and GA3 interaction· effect was significant in,the total dry matter yield and volume of the root system. Potassium effect was highly significant in the number of cells in the cambium layer and total dry matter yield; and significant for N and K in the soil. K and GA3 interaction was significant in the bud-take and in the latex flow which revealed the importance· of K in the re-generation of the cambium layer and in osmotic' processes for latex flow stability as complimented by the mo4e of action of the GA3 in cell elongation and division.04
Subject Added Entry - Topical TermScience and technology04
 Agricultural science04
 Fertilizer elements04
 Gibberellic acid interaction04
 Hevea brafiliensis Muell. Arg.
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