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Control Number335139
Date and Time of Latest Transaction20180522074312.AM
General Information180522s |||||||||b ||00|||
Cataloging SourceSTII-DOST
Language Codeeng
Local Call NumberFil Q149 P5 N25 v.14
Main Entry - Personal NameZaragoza B.A.
 Castillo, M.B.
 Ilag, L.L.
Title StatementEtiology of the yellowing and wilt disease of black pepper (piper nigrum L.) including biocontrol by B.A. Zaragoza, M.B. Castillo and l.L. Ilag
Physical Description513-529 figures, illustrations, photos
Summary, Etc.The cause of the yellowing and wilt disease attacking black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) observed in the Bicol Region was investigated and determined as Meloidogyne incognita Chitwood. The Initial symptom was slight to generai yellowing of leaves. Wilting occurred two to three months after heavy, continuous rains fonowed by sunny, WanD. and dry weather. The nature of the symptoms was siniilar to those caused by a wide range of biotic and abiotic factors . A survey for the presence of Meloidogyne incognita in,black pepper plants from 4 provinces, 12 towns and 14 barangays in the Bicol Region showed that 64.3% of the 70 samples had galls. Personal asseSsment of loss in stand was 10 to 65%. sUSpect fungal pathogens particularly Phytophthora spp;, were ruled out, despite a rapid isolation technique using pimaricin-vancomycm-pentachloronitrobenzene-hymexasol (PVPH) selective medium. The nematode species was identified by the characteristic perineal patterns of the adult femate nematodes. Inoculation tests on black pepper seedlings using different levels of egg mass and larval inocular produced galls. Differences in root and shoot weights in inoculated and uniculated plants were-not statistically significant at 5% leveL. Yellowing and wilting symptoms accompanied by severe root decay and rotting occurred six months after inoculation. Chicken dung at 3.5 tons per ha and carbofuran at 2 kg ai per ha gave comparable control of the nematode while azo11a: at 2.0 tons per ha was ineffective
Subject Added Entry - Topical TermScience and technology
 Meloidogyne incognita
 Black pepper (piper nigrum L.)
 Agricultural science
 Plant pathology
 Wilt disease -- Black pepper
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