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Control NumberUPD-00014947450
Date and Time of Latest Transaction20090717041712.0
General Information080206s2008 eng
International Standard Book Number0-19-850644-9 P2,001.87
Cataloging SourceDSCI
Language Codeeng
Local Call NumberQC176.8 .E54 S46 2001
Main Entry - Personal NameSingleton, John
Title StatementBand theory and electronic propeties of solids
Physical Description222 p
Series Statement/Added Entry - TitleOxford master series in condensed matter physics
Subject Added Entry - Topical TermEnergy-band theory of solids
 Solids -- Electric properties
Collection CategoryFO
LocationUP DSCI QC176.8 .E54 S46 2001 UDSCB0047705 Regular Circulation UDSCB0047705
Textual Physical Form DesignatorBook
Physical Location
University of the Philippines
Diliman: College of ScienceQC176.8 .E54 S46 2001
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