Your search for [subject]Sociology and social work. -- galestne returned 85 records. |
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Soc. policy _ Social policy _ Social Policy.
Social Policy Magazine.
Subject: Government. -- galestne; Political science. -- galestne; Sociology and social work. -- galestne; United States -- Social conditions -- Periodicals; GovernmentPolitical scienceSociology and social work.
The chronicle of philanthropy.
Washington, D.C.: Chronicle of Philanthropy, 1988.
Subject: Charities -- United States; Sociology and social work. -- galestne; Sociology and social work; MAG (Magazine/Journal) -- galestne.
Popul. briefs _ Population briefs _ Population briefs: reports on Population Council research.
New York, N.Y.: Population Council.
Subject: Population research -- Periodicals; Sociology and social work. -- galestne; Sociology and social work; MAG (Magazine/Journal) -- galestne.
Sociology Review.
Philip Allan Updates.
Subject: Sociology -- Periodicals; Sociology and social work. -- galestne; Sociology and social work; MAG (Magazine/Journal) -- galestne.
Trends organ. crime _ Trends in organized crime.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Periodicals Consortium for the National Strategy Information Center, 1995.
Subject: Organized crime -- Periodicals; Law. -- galestne; Sociology and social work. -- galestne; LawSociology and social work; MAG (Magazine/Journal) -- galestne.
Am. j. econ. sociol _ The American journal of economics and sociology.
New York, N.Y.: American Journal of Economics and Sociology.
Subject: Social sciences -- Periodicals; Economics. -- galestne; Philosophy and religion. -- galestne; Sociology and social work. -- galestne; EconomicsPhilosophy and religionSociology and social work.
Sex. cult _ Sexuality & culture.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 1998.
Subject: Sex (Psychology) -- Periodicals; Sexual ethics -- Periodicals; Sociology and social work. -- galestne; Sociology and social work; MAG (Magazine/Journal) -- galestne.
Urban anthropol. stud. cult. syst. world econ. dev _ Urban anthropology and studies of cultural systems and world economic development.
Brockport, N.Y.: Institute for the Study of Man, Inc., 1985.
Subject: Cities and towns -- Periodicals; Urban anthropology -- Periodicals; Business, international. -- galestne; Economics. -- galestne; Sociology and social work. -- galestne; EconomicsBusiness, internationalSociology and social work.
Wired (San Franc. Calif.) _ Wired (San Francisco, Calif.) _ Wired.
Conde Nast Publications, Inc.
Subject: Computer networks -- Periodicals; Computers and civilization -- Periodicals; Internet -- Social aspects -- Periodicals; Telecommunication -- Social aspects -- Periodicals; Computers. -- galestne; Hobbies and crafts. -- galestne; Sociology and social work. -- galestne; ComputersHobbies and craftsSociology and social work; MAG (Magazine/Journal) -- galestne.
Can. j. sociol _ Canadian journal of sociology _ Canadian Journal of Sociology.
Canadian Journal of Sociology.
Subject: Sociology -- Periodicals; Sociologie -- PeÌriodiques; Sociology and social work. -- galestne; Sociology and social work.
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